Congratulations to our author Professor David Baker on being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2024 for outstanding ...
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of CCM, our Editors-in-Chief, Yi-Zhi Huang and Haïm Brezis have selected 25 articles to be freely accessible this year. Michael Brandenbursky, Jarek K?dra, and Egor ...
Special issue guest editors are encouraged to read the following guidelines before submitting their special issue proposals. The topic of the special issue must be a focused research area. General ...
World Scientific Publishing extends its heartfelt congratulations to two of our distinguished editorial board members, ...
《新加坡华人通史》是第一部以华文撰写的华人通史,是一部介于“学术与通俗”之间的史籍。本书内容浩瀚,涵盖领域广,时间跨度大。全书从开埠前的“海疆殊域”到经济转型;从上层社会的领袖人物到基层人民的生活样相;从落叶归根到落地生根;从华商 ...
World Scientific publishes more than 400 titles in English each year. Many of these titles are suitable for translation into other languages. On this page, we've selected some newly-published and ...
早期华人出国谋生时,常带上家乡的音乐,以寄托思乡之情。随着当代华人身份认同的转变,传统音乐的海外生存状况今非昔比。然而,在新加坡这个多元文化大融合的国度,一个具有鲜明地域特征的传统音乐社团—湘灵音乐社,却顺应环境的变革,突破地域 ...
新加坡国立大学文学暨社会科学学院中文系, 新加坡 ...