Every September, the island of Santorini, created by a volcano, celebrates “Ifaisteia” (from Greek ηφαίστειο or volcano). The festivities include a series of live music concerts, photography and art ...
The Night Lights Festival stands as one of Utah's and the nation's most renowned events. With over 13,500 lanterns illuminating the sky at the Deseret Peak Complex each year, this festival is an ...
Christmas arrives in Boston with the traditional Boston Christmas tree lighting events, which take place in early December. But the spirit of the holiday is felt throughout the season at festive fairs ...
The unique scenery is not the only reason that brings people to the Bonneville Salt Flats. One more reason is speed and really great speed. Bonneville is one of the most popular areas for speed racing ...
Even though Halloween is a new holiday in Japan, it has become massive in Tokyo. The Japanese embrace the idea of costume parades while other aspects of Halloween, such as trick-or-treating or scary ...
The wine regions of France include Bordeaux, Alsace, Burgundy, Champagne, Languedoc, Beaujolais, and Provence. Each region is famous for its own kind of wine. Harvest season may start as early as ...
Long Beach, a bustling city in California, becomes a hub of Halloween excitement each October, complementing its pleasant weather, stunning beaches, and vibrant marinas. For those intrigued by history ...
Tutto ebbe inizio nel 2006 con l'annuncio di un progetto pubblicato dal Ministero dei Beni Culturali e delle Attività Culturali. L'idea era quella di istituire un festival teatrale internazionale che ...
While Halloween is celebrated all around the world, it actually originates from the Celtic traditional festival of Samhain. So the Irish celebrate Halloween with special vigour. October 31 is a ...
The annual Carnival in Belize is held in September, showcasing street theatre, music, fashion, and dance. Belize Carnival originates from African traditions and indigenous Mayan practices. The modern ...
Everyone needs to visit Gatlinburg during wintertime at least once. The Great Smoky Mountains is the perfect spot for a family holiday trip due to millions of spectacular lights turning Gatlinburg and ...
Elige a principios de otoño como el mejor momento para visitar Santorini cuando las multitudes son escasas. La temporada de playa en la isla va de mayo a finales de octubre, pero agosto es el más ...