A strong endowment ensures that there is an enduring source of funding for immediate and future needs. Endowments grow over time to create a legacy of learning, research, and scholarship as they ...
Denise Dworakoski knows how deeply passionate her spouse, Peh Ng, is about higher education. Ng has been a faculty member at UMN Morris since 1995 teaching mathematics. She has also served as the ...
The University of Minnesota Morris offers memorial/in honor trees and benches as a giving opportunity to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones. The bench may be designated with a nameplate ...
"I have no idea what Morris will need 50, 60, 70 years from now, but there's a thrill in not knowing what the future holds, and I feel good about leaving a legacy that will truly outlive me. A legacy ...
"We believe that art can play a vital role in the transformative experience of education, [nurturing] human connection, interaction, and understanding." —Puncky ’73 and Mary Soehren Heppner ’76 We all ...
The generosity of donors like you has been critical in helping the University of Minnesota Morris transform into a regional, national, and international center of education, research, and outreach.
An economic engine and a center for sustainable innovation, UMN Morris is finding local solutions to global challenges. Thanks to the vision of generous donors, we have space to create a new ...
Having wrapped up his college career, Eklund has his eye on a master's in applied economics. As an undergrad he was able to take full advantage of the college experience, worry-free, thanks to the ...
"We hope it will be known and loved by many as a favorite landmark during their college years and a place to meet and think and laugh as much as we all did." —Veronika Jurisch Grace ’96, in reference ...
You remember it like it was yesterday: the excitement in the air as the Edson Auditorium house lights dimmed and the curtain rose. Now you can claim a piece of that history and make the space more ...
When Loretta Seppanen ’68 was a student at UMN Morris, she worked; attended lectures, plays, concerts, international film showings; and participated in various clubs, in addition to attending class ...
"We wanted other veterans to have an opportunity to get some advanced education." —Ted Storck ’54 Ted Storck '54 is, in a word, passionate. A respected veteran, an involved alumnus, and a loyal friend ...