12月25日是基督教最重要的神圣日子,纪念大约2千年前耶稣基督的诞生。基督徒将耶稣尊为神的化身、救主和世界的光。 美国对核武国家巴基斯坦的远程导弹计划构成的核扩散威胁表示关切。美国副国家安全顾问乔恩·芬纳(Jon Finer)最近在华盛顿卡内基国际和平 ...
以下是一篇反映美国理想与制度的社论: 12月25日是基督教最重要的神圣日子,纪念大约2千年前耶稣基督的诞生。基督徒将耶稣尊为神的化身、救主和世界的光。 耶稣的实际诞生日并不为人所知。将12月25日定为耶稣诞生日的确切起源也不明确。然而这一天与 ...
Russia turns to the DPRK for manpower as well as munitions, in order to carry out its war of aggression against Ukraine,” said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. “This is not a one-way street. The more ...
The Iranian Government has repeatedly suppressed press freedom through threats, intimidation, detentions, forced confessions ...
Artificial intelligence has the potential to do enormous good,” said Secretary Blinken. “At the same time ... AI can pose ...
"My wish for you and for the nation, now and always, is [that] we continue to seek the light of liberty and love, kindness ...
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"The United States is the largest single humanitarian donor in Africa, having provided more than $6.7 billion dollars in humanitarian assistance across the continent in 2024," said Ambassador ...
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