我使用BQ24610做充电设计,26V输入,24V充电电压/1A充电电流设计。有使用power path。 1、在调试中发现,电池不在位的情况下 ...
SCB is a read compare. So if you write "50 4a" to register 44 (accessing address 0x4a50) and read back the data from 0x4a50 then the value returned should be "2c 0e". SCB is to ensure data being ...
This thread has been locked. If you have a related question, please click the "Ask a related question" button in the top right corner. The newly created question will be automatically linked to this ...
I need a clarification how to implement the DSSM factory reset over SWD interface. I am developing the programming solution for MSPM0Lx devices where the host(master ...
I am trying to calculate losses for the synchronous MOSFET. In table 2-2, the body diode conduction loss uses a term of (Vload*Fsw)/2. This results in a very high calculated loss. I think the voltage ...
I am testing TPS546E25EVM-1PH, but found out that FUSION_DIGITAL_POWER_DESIGNER 7.10.1 version on the website does not support TPS546E25.
As per the datasheet, LM5050-2 is a wide input voltage operation range IC (Recommended Vin: 6V to 75V). But primarily, it appears to be best suitable for 48V power supplies applications. Is it ...
Hi, In relation to the original query, i would like to ask some questions if anyone is able to assist. (FYI, this is an application involving ejection of high-speed waste (PCB's) on a conveyor at 3m/s ...