So, you suspect your child or a student in your classroom may need special education services. What happens next? Let's break ...
One of the most frustrating parts of my job as an advocate is knowing or remembering the little detaily things about special ...
This question is one that I answer all the time. And mind you, I don’t have an answer for you. But if you’re asking–which is better an IEP or a 504? I can at least help you understand what each will ...
If your child is being evaluated for Early Intervention or Special Education Services, you may be introduced to the terms ‘receptive language skills’ or ‘expressive language skills.’ As humans, we all ...
Quite often, I hear from parents who are offered a 504 plan when they requested an IEP. I could get you really deep in the weeds with the explanation between a 504 and IEP, so for the purposes of this ...
IEP goals are the future. IEP Present Levels is where the child is now; goals are where we want them to be. But, learning how to write an IEP goal that is both measurable and effective, is something ...
Many parents and caregivers struggle to manage aggressive behavior in children. These are the situations that can deteriorate a situation quickly–because many schools have zero tolerance policies ...
When I was a special educator in Maryland, we provided an IEP Snapshot to all of our general educators who had a student with an IEP in their class. We knew that teachers could be overwhelmed when ...
Have you heard of being a special education surrogate parent? The slang for it is actually educational surrogate, and the special education or IEP part is assumed. Many times parents ask me how they ...
Hey there, parents! Buckle up, because today we’re diving into the world of Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) and Hyperlexia. The terms are often used interchangeably but they are not the same. If you ...