For the millions of people living with diabetes or obesity, drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy can significantly improve their ...
Novo Nordisk CEO explains decision to discontinue the long-acting insulin Levemir. He blamed pharmacy managers and health ...
Novo Nordisk under political pressure over high U.S. drug prices as CEO testifies before Congress. PBMs and limited impact on ...
During a tense hearing before a Senate committee on Tuesday, Novo Nordisk CEO Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen faced tough questions ...
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders said major PBMs have agreed not to limit coverage of Ozempic and Wegovy if Novo lowers its prices.
Novo Nordisk's top executive faced a Senate grilling on Tuesday over the high prices of the company's weight loss drug Wegovy and diabetes treatment Ozempic, as demand for both injections soars in the ...
2024年的拉斯克基础研究奖授予了德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的生物化学家陈志坚,以表彰他“发现了能够感知外来和自身DNA的cGAS 酶”,这种酶可以在细胞质中识别到自身损伤产生的游离DNA,或是外来病原体DNA的威胁。
据歌礼制药公告,ASC30是首款也是唯一一款既可每月一次皮下注射也可每日一次口服用于治疗肥胖症的小分子GLP-1受体(GLP-1R)激动剂;ASC30片剂和ASC30注射剂分别于今年7月和9月获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)的新药临床试验(IND ...
丹麦制药公司 诺和诺德 ( Novo Nordisk A/S )周五报告称,该公司下一代减肥药之一monlunabant在较高剂量时减重效果有限,而且有一定副作用,导致该公司股价周五下跌。
The Vermont independent says he has secured pledges from the major PBMs that they would not limit coverage of Ozempic and Wegovy if the company lowers its list prices — an announcement that CEO Lars ...
周五早间 诺和诺德 Novo Nordisk股价一度下跌逾6%,此前有媒体报道称其减肥药的试验数据不佳。在减肥药物领域,诺和诺德面临着来自多家小公司和罗氏等制药巨头越来越激烈的竞争。