Outgoing Nike CEO John Donahoe made strategic missteps, most especially losing his team's winning spirit.. In-coming 32-year ...
John Donahoe never had the strengths required to lead a design-focused organization like Nike. You should hire for the ...
Nike 本周四向 Business of Fashion 证实,执行长 John Donahoe 将于 10 月 13 日卸任,而在本公司工作 32 年并于 2020 年退休的 Elliott Hill,将于 10 月 14 日重返 Nike ...
昨天海外传出一则重磅消息,Nike CEO John Donahoe即将离开耐克,取而代之的则是前高管 Elliott Hill,新任CEO将在10月14日正式走马上任,而John Donahoe将担任顾问直至2025 年 1 月 31 日。
Nike said John Donahoe will retire as chief executive and from the board. Elliott Hill, who retired from the sneaker maker in ...
近期要闻|REPORT●退休老将Elliott ...
Donahoe’s last day with Nike will be Oct. 13, but the company said in a news release he will remain as an adviser through the ...
耐克周四宣布,将由前同事埃利奥特·希尔(Elliott Hill)接替首席执行官约翰·多纳霍(John Donahoe),消息一出,耐克股价大涨。
6月28日,Nike 发布“令人沮丧的”2025财年业绩预期,预计2025年的销售额将以中个位数下滑。这一消息在华尔街引发轩然大波,至少六家投资银行下调了对公司的股票评级。
投资者急于回笼资金,迫使私募股权基金不得不降低标价以售出资产。 特雷莎•里贝拉在接受FT采访时表示,欧洲企业需要具备规模才能与全球对手竞争。 铺设中国太阳能板的热潮威胁巴基斯坦负债累累的电网 电价飙升促使巴基斯坦企业争相在工厂屋顶铺设超 ...
Nike Inc. stock price jumped in after-hours trading Thursday on news that CEO John Donahoe is retiring and will be replaced ...
Nike said John Donahoe has decided to retire as chief executive and from the board on Oct. 13.