At Apple’s media event yesterday, Apple unveiled a new high-end iMac that includes a Retina 5K display. Starting at US$2499 it includes the 5K display with a resolution of 5120x2880, a 3.5GHz ...
在科技不断进步的今天,Apple推出了其最新一代的一体机iMac,这款设备结合了革命性的设计和超长的电池续航,为用户带来了全新的体验。新款iMac不仅在硬件性能上进行了大幅提升,同时还在外观设计上追求极致的美感,让用户爱不释手。此次更新的iMac采用了最新的Apple M2芯片,配合高达24GB的内存,使得其在处理速度和图形性能上均表现出色,满足了图形设计师、视频编辑等专业用户的需求。
Meet the new iMac (2024); a rainbow-hued genius, sleek as a runway model, powered by Apple M4 chip and Apple Intelligence. It ...
while the 27-inch iMac boasts a Retina 5K 5120-by-2880 P3 display. The new 4K and 5K screens offer 500 nits of brightness, an increase of 43 percent on the previous model, as well as a 1200:1 ...
A computer monitor with 2,880 lines of resolution. In 2014, Apple introduced an iMac with a 27" Retina 5K display. With a resolution of 5120x2880, it doubled the horizontal and vertical pixels of ...
This carefully balanced combination of power and efficiency makes the 2024 iMac a versatile choice that can meet the needs of a wide range of users. The stunning 24-inch 4.5K Retina Display ...