Visual content companies Shutterstock and Getty Images will join to become a $3.7 billion visual content company.
The visual content industry is witnessing a seismic shift as Shutterstock and Getty Images, two of the biggest players in the ...
Getty Images announced that it would buy rival Shutterstock to create a $3.7 billion visual content company which is set to ...
Alternatively, Shutterstock shareholders can choose to receive a mix of cash and Getty shares. shareholders will own about ...
Getty Images and Shutterstock, two visual content companies, have announced decisions to merge into a $3.7 billion powerhouse ...
1月7日,全球视觉内容巨头Getty Images和Shutterstock正式宣布签署合并协议,携手打造全球领先的视觉内容公司。合并后的公司将以Getty Images Holdings, ...
Getty Images (GETY) announced on Tuesday that it will merge with its rival, Shutterstock (SSTK), to create a single, premier ...
当地时间1月7日,全球最大图片社Getty Images宣布与另一图片巨头Shutterstock签署合并协议。同日,二级市场迅速对二者携手一事作出反馈,两家公司股票价格均出现上涨。 此次交易完成后,新公司企业价值约为37亿美元,将以Getty ...
GETTY IMAGES said on Tuesday it would merge with rival Shutterstock to create a $3.7-billion stock-image powerhouse geared for the artificial intelligence (AI) era, in a deal likely to draw antitrust ...
The two big players in the licensed visual content will pair up to counter threats from artificial intelligence tools like Midjourney.
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GETTY Images is buying Shutterstock to create a $3.7 billion visual content company.The merger comes at a time when companies that use still images are facing i ...