Final Fantasy XVI was released on PC recently. To improve this game, you can install mods. In this guide you will find 5 ...
《最终幻想16》的PC版发布后,许多玩家反映游戏在高配置电脑上的优化不尽如人意,即使是最顶级的RTX4090显卡在4K原生分辨率下(不开启光追)也只能达到约46帧,而3080则只有大约35帧,均未达到流畅的60帧。当开启帧生 ...
Square Enix is gearing up to launch FF16 on PC, and producer Naoki Yoshida has a request for you: Don’t make any naughty FF16 ...
The PC launch of Final Fantasy XVI (FF16) has been rough, with many players experiencing issues with their controllers. Here ...
Final Fantasy 16 has a host of abilities for Clive to unlock and master, but players will want to focus on acquiring a few ...
The Steam Deck can't play everything, but GeForce Now has helped me play AAA releases on Valve's amazing handheld.
在登录PC平台之际,外媒Fami通采访了《最终幻想16》创意总监前广和丰。他在采访中介绍了有关《FF16》开发过程的一些趣闻。例如,开发团队最初想用“克莱夫”“ 约书亚”“ 狄翁”三位重要角色以分篇章讲述各自故事的形式来制作,但最终放弃了该方案,因为大家认为将克莱夫的人生描绘好更为重要。
A new update was just rolled out for the PlayStation 5, and it could finally solve the recent Final Fantasy 16 graphical ...
Square Enix《最终幻想16》现已登陆PC平台。截止发稿,Steamdb数据显示本作同时在线玩家峰值人数达到了22,684人。游戏当前口碑“多半好评”。
Regardless of whether it maintains all the changes Final Fantasy 16 made to the series, there is one thing the next Final ...
昨晚,《最终幻想16》的PC版本正式上市,目前在Steam上的在线玩家数大约有13000人,最高同时在线人数曾达到16935人。有博主指出,在售价为50美元的情况下,游戏能登上Steam畅销榜前列,这显示了PC市场的规模相对较小 ...