Plouffe's reference to charges and suspicions against Issa from a generation and two generations ago is also unusual in a city where such mentions are considered gauche and uncollegial.
The litigation finance industry enters the new year with growing calls for regulation and complicated questions for funders ...
Biden drew sharp criticism from lawmakers and organizations representing lawyers and judges for vetoing the JUDGES Act.
America’s legislators continued their effort to fight against the harmful impact of counterfeit products being sold to ...
President Joe Biden vetoed legislation Monday that would have expanded US trial courts for the first time in decades, despite ...
Changing VOA's culture of radical ideological bias and managerial incompetence won't be easy when she takes her position.
As Congress careened toward a Saturday midnight deadline to pass a government funding bill, legislators exclusively told Raw ...
【文/观察者网 赖家琪】美国政府一个臭名昭著的“反宣传”机构,终于关闭了。“今日俄罗斯”(RT)12月25日报道称,美国国会削减了“全球接触中心”(GEC)的资金,致使该机构停止运作。 12月23日,GEC在一份声明中宣布,将在当天结束后停止运营,并表示“国务院已就下一步行动与国会进行了磋商”。据报道,GEC拥有120名员工,年度预算为6100万美元。法新社称,GEC的关闭意味着美国国务院八年来将 ...
马斯克施压,美国务院这个涉中俄机构被裁撤了,马斯克,唐纳德·特朗普,美国政府,美国国会,国务院,拜登,特斯拉 ...
U.S. Members of Congress are known as savvy stock market traders, but which of them made the most investing in equity in 2024 ...