Fried’s fallen FTX cryptocurrency empire has been sentenced to two years in prison for participating in what a prosecutor ...
Ellison spoke on her own behalf, beginning by apologizing to everyone she’s hurt. “I think on some level my brain can’t even ...
美国地区法官刘易斯·卡普兰 (Lewis Kaplan) 周二判处 29 岁的埃里森两年有期徒刑,称埃里森的合作“非常出色”,并赞扬了她在欺诈案审判期间的证词。但卡普兰指出,该案是有史以来“最严重”的金融欺诈案之一,她的合作不能成为“免于入狱的通行证 ...
美国法官 Lewis Kaplan 判处 SBF 前女友、前 Alameda Research 首席执行官 Caroline Ellison 两年联邦监禁。Ellison 将于 11 月初开始服刑,并将被送往一所最低安全级别的监狱。法官批准了 Ellison 的请求,让她在波士顿靠近家人的监狱服刑。她还必须参与赔偿程序,以便将欺诈行为中追回的所有资金归还给 FTX ...
PANews 9月25日消息,据The Block报道,Alameda Research前联合首席执行官Caroline Ellison因在加密交易所FTX崩溃中所扮演的角色被判入狱两年。Ellison还将被没收约110亿美元,并可能在“最低安全设施 ...
金色财经报道,加密货币交易平台FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF)的前女友Caroline Ellison在FTX破产案件中被判入狱两年,并没收110亿美元个人财产。
BlockBeats 消息,9 月 25 日,据《财富》杂志报道,美国法官 Lewis Kaplan 判处 SBF 前女友、前 Alameda Research 首席执行官 Caroline Ellison 两年联邦监禁。Ellison 将于 11 月初开始服刑,并将被送往一所最低安全级别的监狱。法官批准了 Ellison ...
The former CFO of the cryptocurrency hedge fund Alameda Research cooperated extensively with prosecutors in the fraud case, ...
Caroline Ellison, the former CEO of Alameda Research, was sentenced to 24 months in prison for her role in the FTX collapse.
Caroline Ellison, a former top executive at Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX cryptocurrency exchange, was sentenced Tuesday to 24 ...
The judge said prison time was necessary because she participated in what might be the “greatest financial fraud ever …” ...
On Tuesday, a New York federal court sentenced Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison, the key witness in the trial against ...