Meyer, whose popular show 'Enjoying Everyday Life' aired daily on Daystar, is the latest in a series of Christian leaders to ...
Joyce Meyer, a prominent television minister for 30 years, has temporarily stopped programming on Daystar amid allegations of ...
Christian author and ministry leader Joyce Meyer is planning to pause her TV program with Daystar Television Network, according to her organization. Meyer’s move comes as the TV network has been ...
He married young and had a baby. He left his wife and refused to pay child support. Meyer said she tried several times to help her brother but he kept running away. During one point in his life, he ...
"I was not prepared for the guilt I would feel for enjoying my life and moving on without her. I mean, my life is still good, and I miss her every single day, but I'm not gonna stop living.
"She wants to live the simple life for a while," the source adds. "Travis is the one that now has the busiest schedule of the two of them. But she is happy they will spend time together ...