Explores what might be the world's most mysterious book, a medieval manuscript written in a secret language that even the best code breakers can't crack.
我在岁末听了2024几位诺贝尔奖得主的一场思想座谈会,主要议题是人工智能的发展与风险,物理获得主,人工智能教父辛顿教授在采访中率先发言说GPT4这类语言机器的知识储备已超过任何个体的人类,如人类大脑的连接点有一百万个;而这种机器已有1万亿个连接。因此 ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在中国,每七个成年人中就有一个患有颈椎病。颈椎病这三个字,如今已是悬在所有人头顶的达摩克利斯之剑。北京大学公共卫生学院的学者研究发现,中国成年人的颈椎病发病率为 13.76% [1]。
Most people will never be truly successful. The pull towards mediocrity is too strong. As David Schwartz once penned, "All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second-Class ...
The latest show, Era 2: Spirit of Shanghai, is a collaboration between a French choreography team and Chinese artists, ...