In 2024, small companies with market caps of less than Rs 10,000 crore have dominated the top performing IPOs, delivering high returns. Notable outperformers include Jyoti CNC Automation, KRN Heat ...
CNC mills need a touch sensor to measure e.g. the center of a workpiece. This repository hold data on how to build such a sensor and the code to operate it with a WLAN based basestation. The sensor ...
It was a weak day for the markets as they opened lower and went on to end with a deep cut. The Nifty saw a negative opening and formed its day’s high in the early minutes of the session on Tuesday. It ...
the Kubota U55-4 offers customers versatility never seen before .... The Hitachi ZAXIS55U-5 is the second largest machine in the mini excavator range. It has excellent controllability, short rear-end.
“At least 50 percent of all farmers are VERY reliant on GPS and use it on every machine all year long,” Deere added. The culprit is the ionosphere, a layer of Earth’s atmosphere that’s ...
The Earth has always had a tilt to its axis of 23.5 degrees, which is why we have seasons and daylight saving time. But if you've felt a bit off-balance, you can blame your fellow humans ...
Listen to more stories on the Noa app. Iran’s Axis of Resistance, an informal coalition of anti-Western and anti-Israeli militias, was already having a terrible year. But the loss of the Syrian ...