Are you wondering how to increase the volume on your laptop, desktop computer, or tablet in Windows 10 or Windows 11? Or perhaps you want to know how to turn the volume up on a computer with your ...
There are times when you might want or have to change the MAC address of your network adapter so that you can connect to certain networks. However, what do you do when you have to restore the original ...
This opens the Collections flyout on the right side of the Microsoft Edge window. If this is your first time accessing the feature, press the Next button at the bottom a couple of times to review how ...
Hopping in and out of a voice channel in Discord is quite simple. There are no magic tips and tricks to pulling it off, just understanding which icons are for what and where to find them. If you’re ...
Almost all the apps that you downloaded on your phone need certain permissions to work as designed. Most people don’t think much about these permissions and have a tendency to just enable them when ...
In both Windows 10 and Windows 11, you can change any shortcut icon, whether it's a regular one linking to an app, file, folder, or web page or one of the standard desktop icons. This comes in handy ...
1. Pin and unpin tiles and shortcuts to the Start Menu The Windows 10 default Start Menu displays tiles and shortcuts on the right Press Pin to Start to add a Start Menu shortcut in Windows 10 Remove ...
Failed to Play Test Tone issue is a very common one, and many others have been facing the problem all over the world. So don’t worry, you are definitely not alone in this whole ordeal. Why does this ...
As you may have noted, columns in Google Sheets already have their default headers. We’re talking about the first cell in each column that will always be visible, no matter how much you scroll down.
Are you tired of opening files and folders in Windows by double-clicking or double-tapping on them? Do you want to open them like you do on your smartphone, with a click or a tap? You can do that if ...
Most websites use cookies to store information about you and your web browsing preferences. Cookies may be used for tracking purposes, and to personalize the ads displayed so that they are according ...
Lyft is a great ridesharing app that offers plenty of valuable features, including letting you select the payment method that works best for you. If you have a new credit card you want to use for the ...