Informatica studeren in Utrecht geeft je de mogelijkheid te kiezen voor de studierichting gametechnologie. Er is een grote toekomst in serious gaming. De brandweer en piloten trainen bijvoorbeeld in ...
Migration and Societal Change provides a platform for researchers at Utrecht University working on migration and related societal transformations. It stimulates cross-fertilization between researchers ...
The Utrecht University School of Law conducts top-ranking research in all important legal fields: private law, criminal law, constitutional and administrative law and international law. Our ...
Wat mag je wel en niet doen volgens de wet en hoe interpreteer je regels? Hoe zit het met het verschil tussen wat rechtmatig is en wat rechtvaardig voelt? Wanneer kan iemand voor de rechter worden ...
Gould and Dorsey trace the innovation of these types of AI driven and autonomous weapon systems amongst the military-industrial-commercial complex. They reflect on how these are increasing the speed ...
The Graduate School of Humanities at Utrecht University offers outstanding Master’s programmes and PhD courses for talented Dutch and international students and PhD candidates. Utrecht University is ...
The Faculty of Medicine of Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht work together in the field of medical education, biomedical education and research. The various tasks are carried out in the UMC ...
In 2017, in order to accelerate and improve the realisation of research results and their societal impact, Utrecht University decided to make the transition to Open Science. By doing so, the ...
Heb je moeite met grote hoeveelheden data? Weet je niet welke technologie je in moet zetten? Kom naar het inloopspreekuur.
KI speelt een grote rol in onze samenleving. Denk maar eens aan zelfrijdende auto’s, voice-assistants, gezichtsherkenning en zoek-suggesties: allemaal toepassingen van KI. En er is meer. KI wordt ook ...
From Utrecht Central Station: take the bus to Botanische Tuinen or tram 22 to Padualaan. Location: on the south side of the building, with a view of a lawn and the Princetonlaan. Type: revolving door ...
This tool helps academics and their managers to determine development opportunities in various phases of the academic career and to value educational achievements. It can therefore be used in addition ...