John Fredriksen’s Golden Ocean Group is reported to have sold one of its oldest bulkers at a price that appears to lock in a ...
Santos is the largest terminal operator in Brazil. It owns three container terminals in Brazil as well as a vehicle and a ...
Some evidence of that begins transpiring, with US brokers reporting that Indian steel giant ArcelorMittal has obtained a ...
Interim guidelines for the use of ammonia as a fuel have been finalised by a sub-committee working group at the International ...
Reinsurance costs for the major protection and indemnity clubs are set to rise by up to 20% because of the ...
The top management of John Fredriksen-backed Flex LNG offloaded shares worth around $3.9m last week. Chief executive Oystein ...
“The psychology has been positive. There has been an extreme appetite for high-yield bonds.” With a strong inflow of capital ...
The Aquila is one of only two MR1s sold for scrap this year as owners hold on to type regarded as dwindling breed ...
Berge Bulk has asked a judge in Puerto Rico to throw out a lawsuit filed by a grain company over a casualty that saw a bulker ...
Intra-Asia feeder specialist TS Lines has ordered two 4,300-teu container ship newbuildings at CSSC Huangpu Wenchong ...
Move comes as US steps up campaign against manager of vessel that caused the collapse of a Baltimore bridge in March ...
Platten outlined that the ICS’s newly released barometer report showed that increased protectionism was a growing risk of ...