In a well-set-up office (even if it's just a simple home office), the equipment, the systems and environment all contribute to making you and your business more efficient. Planning it properly from ...
Business owner burnout is on the rise. But when does everyday stress and overwork turn into a much more serious health problem? Rachel Miller investigates Burnout, especially among business owners, is ...
A well-written business plan is an essential tool for any business. Not only can it help you attract funding, it can also help you test your business idea. What should I include in a business plan?
Selling your products and services to other businesses is not easy but the right approach can make a huge difference to your chances of winning new customers and making sales. Whether you are selling ...
Attracting investors is an incredibly difficult and time-consuming process. This is especially true for new businesses, because they lack trade history. But here are a few recommendations intended to ...
Legally, all businesses must maintain accurate financial records and retain them for six years. As soon as you set up your business, start recording all your costs and sales you make. Keep receipts ...