Eighth-graders debated the merits of representation in government as delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
Radecki said Porter approaches his work with a degree of enthusiasm she’s come to expect from the fourth-grader.
Central Elementary young fives are learning how to cope with strong, uncomfortable emotions through self-regulating and showing empathy toward themselves and others.
Entries are due March 9 for the contest that honors the late Henry Pestka, a Holocaust survivor who settled in Grand Rapids.
The team’s goal is to get to know every student, so SNN is turning the tables so the community can get to know the new ...
Third-graders used iPads with the robots’ software, adjusting speed and distance to drive the “reindeer” and knock over the ...
Falcon News Network broadcasting students recently talked to GVSU leaders about the potential of this university-community ...
Three classrooms of fifth-graders went door to door on a recent Wednesday morning at Schneider Manor, an independent living ...
East Kentwood junior and saxophonist Drew Warren recorded his first album, a compilation of Christmas music perfect for a ...
East Kentwood junior and saxophonist Drew Warren recorded his first album, a compilation of Christmas music perfect for a cozy night by the fire.
Godwin Heights sophomores interview peers about mental health, school safety, engagement and belonging.