Strategy may be theorized in a conference room, but things happen on the shop floor. Leaders often think they know what is ...
Put a group of strangers together, ask them to work side-by-side in the same building or office for eight or more hours each day, and you're bound to have some conflict. And when that group of people ...
Ford is making its vehicles more eco-friendly through increased use of renewable and recyclable materials such as the soy and bio-based seat cushions and seatbacks on the 2010 Ford Taurus. Ford ...
There are a variety of failure analysis and problem-solving methods used to analyze equipment and process failures. The different methods are described and compared so maintenance and reliability ...
When a maintenance program is successful, every area of the company is positively affected. Today, top organizations are reaping the benefits from implementing well-designed and managed reliability ...
It's estimated that 50 to 70 percent of vibration issues in rotating machinery are caused by misalignment, according to Texas A&M's OAKTrust study on coupling misalignment forces. In fact, reliability ...
Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a criticality rating based on their potential risk of failure. Criticality analysis is defined as the process of assigning assets a ...
The Boeing Company announced Thursday that it will cease operations at its facility located in Melbourne, Ark. Boeing expects to complete the closure of the facility sometime in the second quarter of ...
The Caterpillar Inc. sponsored robotic vehicle of Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) was awarded first place at the 2007 DARPA Urban Challenge. The "Urban Challenge" featured autonomous ground vehicles ...
Kaizen events are traditionally short-term brainstorming and implementation sessions intended to improve an existing process. Employees, managers and even C-level owners get together to map out ...
The workplace can be dangerous, even more so in an industrial environment. Numerous factors can cause accidents, ranging from overexertion to mishandling of hazardous materials. There are also a ...
Autonomous maintenance is defined as a maintenance strategy where machine operators continuously monitor their equipment, make adjustments and perform minor maintenance tasks on their machines. This ...