How can light, space, and materials be used to improve the well-being of the office workers’ eyes in the local community?” ...
I longed for photographs of my father’s family from their home in the “Old World,” but due to historical circumstances and ...
During my 2nd year of Uni, I was given the unexpected opportunity to go on an exchange alone to Hokkaido, Japan. I had never ...
The "Crazy Cat Lady" stereotype has traditionally depicted a single, old woman who prefers cats over marriage and children, ...
I use the zombie as a metaphor for the weaves, since I bring back to life what has been considered dead by the logic of ...
Ziwa Vision introduces an intelligent way to feed farmed fish more sustainably. It is a hardware and computer vision solution ...
Drawing from my Hungarian heritage and the cherished hand-embroidered tablecloths of my great-grandmother, I embarked on a ...
Karachi is one of the major cities of Pakistan with a rich and diverse cultural heritage which includes many architectural ...
In an era dominated by rapid technological advancements and the creation of imagined virtual realities, my project seeks to pause and emphasize the importance of physical and tangible experiences over ...
Pollinators are a crucial part of healthy ecosystems, contributing significantly not only to biodiversity and resilience, but also to human nutrition and food supply. The aim of this project is to ...
ARTS THREAD is the leading digital platform for emerging artists and designers, a launchpad for the next generation of creative talent representing 300,000 students in more than 130 countries from ...