Sunday night the winds were gusting to over 60mph. Thanks to the Met Office we knew it was coming and thought we were ready ...
Kiwifruit can be grown successfully in the UK so long as you have plenty of space and a sunny spot. Despite the ‘kiwi’ name suggesting they come from New Zealand, they are actually from southern China ...
Some years ago we moved to a new house which had a tiny suburban garden giving little room for growing vegetables, mainly a small herb bed and some salad crops. Then I realised there was an allotment ...
Greengages are a small, round, yellow-green and deliciously sweet type of plum.They were introduced into Britain from France by Sir William Gage in the 1720s. Greengages are also known as Reine ...
The onion fly lays its eggs by the base of the onion which then hatch into maggots who eat away at the base of the onion and its roots killing the onion. Identifying the problem is straightforward.
Outdoor sweetcorn success. Repairing the bird damage to the polytunnel. Radish leaves become a delicious and nutritious soup, ...
Tayberry (Rubus fruticosus x ideaus) is a cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, and is named after the River Tay in Scotland. It was patented in 1979. If there is only space to grow one ...
Well my gardening friends, spring is once again nearly upon us, early flowers such as snowdrops are already in bloom and the daffodil’s are rearing their heads, so here’s a nice handy collection of my ...
The government has been promoting allotment growing and regeneration. Their sites will give you an insight into official thinking about allotments. The major national gardening and allotment societies ...
Limes can be grown successfully in the UK but you need to remember that they are not hardy. Most varieties will tolerate temperatures down to 0 °C but some only down to 5 °C Check before buying. An ...
Many of us have a few culinary herbs growing in our gardens, but would you like to grow 14 really useful herbs in a small space and learn how to use them for your own health, beauty and well-being?
The cause of common potato scab is a bacterium, Streptomyces Scabies, found in the soil. It is most common on light, sandy soils, low in organic matter. Soils that were previously grassland are ...