黎巴嫩艾因希勒韦巴勒斯坦难民营越来越受到哈马斯的青睐,哈马斯还与真主党一起从黎巴嫩边境对以色列发动袭击。 黎巴嫩西顿 —— 已故巴勒斯坦领导人亚西尔·阿拉法特的肖像挂在黎巴嫩南部城市西顿的哈姆沙里医院的墙上,一幅巨大的落地式巴勒斯坦 ...
俄罗斯对乌克兰的战争产生了一个意想不到的后果:中东与南高加索地区之间的地缘政治联系加剧。 第比利斯——过去两个世纪以来,南高加索地区一直被视为俄罗斯的专属势力范围。即使苏联解体,这种局面也未能彻底改变。尽管土耳其和伊朗在 20 世纪 90 ...
沙特在军事改组中寻求效率,缩小与地区竞争对手的差距 沙特阿拉伯最近对其最高军事领导层进行了重大改组,任命了联合部队、陆军和海军的新高级官员——这一举措可能标志着该国国防战略和国内平衡发生重大转变。
Israel's military pounded targets in south and east Lebanon on Monday and said more strikes were coming, warning Lebanese to ...
In a year of war between Israel and Hamas, the people of Gaza have lost nearly everything: their loved ones, their homes, ...
Slama, who lost five relatives gunned down by Hamas bullets in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel near the Gaza ...
Hamas militants stormed across the Gaza border to carry out the deadliest attack on Israel in its history, traumatising the ...
Egypt's foreign minister warned Sunday of the risk of an all-out regional war as fighting between Israel and Lebanon's ...
Civilians combed through the wreckage of their homes Sunday in the Sudanese city of El-Fasher, besieged for months by ...
World powers on Sunday implored Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah movement to refrain from escalating their conflict ...
Israelis inspected air raid shelters and stocked up on groceries Sunday after Hezbollah rocket fire threatened northern ...
Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon turned out in force Sunday for the funeral of a top commander killed in an Israeli air strike ...