A veteran of double-pronged diplomacy, Touadéra has recently initiated a rapprochement with Paris in an effort to distance ...
Abdourahamane Tchiani's administration is about to finalise an unprecedented acquisition from Turkish drone manufacturer ...
At the end of September, China First Highway Engineering Co (CFHEC) won the competitive tender launched by Douala mayor Roger Mbassa Ndine for the construction of the Wouri River embankment road. The ...
He served briefly as adviser to prime minister Jacques Sylla from 2002 to 2004 but, since then, has avoided taking political sides too openly in public. He has not forgotten the problems encountered ...
The announcement passed almost unnoticed during the two-and-three-quarter-hour press conference Sonangol held to mark its 45th anniversary on 8 March: the state-owned company's upstream director, ...
Before it resumes operations at its mine in Haut-Katanga at some point later this year Kipushi Corp (Kico) still has to build a new road to evacuate its zinc production. This will link its Kico plants ...
Yassir Zenagui joined Mohammed VI's private office in 2011 after two years as Minister of Tourism. A former City trader, Zenagui, who is 46 and has French and Moroccan nationality, has since ...
Elected a member of parliament five months ago, Abdelkrim Ghrieb has given up his seat. On post in Bamako as Algeria’s envoy to Mali, Ghrieb has decided to remain in that job. Ghrieb is the leading ...
The minister, who is close to Russia, seems to be falling out of favour with President Touadéra. Earlier this month, he was prevented from leaving the country to receive medical treatment. Livestock ...
Management of Chad's oil revenues is a family affair. Seventy three per cent of the $12 billion revenues accumulated since 2003 and 90% of exports are accounted for by the entourage of President Idris ...
Alrosa is currently in discussion with ‘friendly investors,' which would allow it to negotiate a return clause, should sanctions be lifted. But the identity of these investors is currently unknown.