When a prisoner suffered a heart attack in his locked cell, his cellmate pressed the cell’s emergency bell – only for it to ...
A prisoner at HMP Maidstone has been convicted of murdering another inmate with a toilet lid and a chair, then attempting to ...
A former Lord Chief Justice has accused successive governments of carrying out a “confidence trick” on the public by ...
HMP Hindley, in Wigan, has the worst drug problem of any prison in England and Wales, according to a report from HM ...
Last month the Government announced its plan to roll out the most significant law reform in a decade for people stuck on IPP ...
The Government’s SDS40 early release scheme, which will see thousands of prisoners go home after serving just 40 per cent of ...
Prison-leavers who went home before their scheduled date under the Government’s early release scheme have not been fitted ...
To all Tommy Robinson and far Right supporters in and out of prison: I think you are all idiotic uneducated delinquents who ...
Gartree prison is in total turmoil over prisoners’ transfers and accumulated visits that don’t seem to be happening.
I have been here on Hindley’s PIPE (Psychologically-Informed Planned Environment) unit for a year now. I was previously in ...
I have just read your article ‘Inside Time gets book ban overturned’ (Newsround, May 2024) with interest. I have been told by ...
There is nothing to do”, “I am bored”, “I never get out of my cell”. These are all comments I’ve heard from many inmates ...