Explore how the architecture of the English high street has evolved over the centuries. Medieval English towns were famously filled with narrow streets so to maximise space. It was common to build ...
Explore the history of one of the most iconic queer landmarks in Birmingham.
Discover the places connected to the Tudor queen, Anne Boleyn, who played a key role in England’s break from the Catholic Church.
Explore the changing architectural styles of the English high street.
Explore the changing architectural styles of the English high street.
Explore the changing architectural styles of the English high street.
Shortly after midnight on 2 September 1666, a catastrophic fire consumed the City of London within its defensive walls. These walls ran from Blackfriars in the west up to Moorgate in the north and ...
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 to 1859) was one of the giants of the Industrial Revolution. Engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel stood in front of the enormous launching chains of the SS Great Eastern in ...
Queen Elizabeth I was an unlikely queen. Although she was the daughter of Henry VIII and born a Tudor princess, she was declared illegitimate at just 2 years old following the execution of her mother, ...
Not long after the end of the Second World War, a small and secretive cabinet committee took the decision that Britain should develop an atomic bomb.