The Extension Men and Fathers team includes leaders Thao Pham, Michael Stratten and Donna Anderson as well as Lani Xiong, ...
The farm finance scorecard helps you see where you are in terms of financial ratios and measurements In the last few decades, much progress has been made to standardize financial statements in ...
Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that’s generally not contagious to other horses. Signs of pneumonia include nasal discharge, fever and depression. Practicing biosecurity, vaccinating against ...
Many diseases can affect your small poultry flock. Practicing biosecurity and proper management can help keep birds healthy. If you suspect disease in your flock, consult with a veterinarian or the ...
Minnesota Master Naturalists can volunteer as seed collectors, targeting plants from early-blooming pasqueflowers and prairie ...
The 2024 Northeast 4-H Livestock Show will take place Sept. 28-29 in Little Falls. The Northeast 4-H Livestock Show is an educational animal showcase opportunity open to 4-H youth grades 3 and up who ...
Slime molds are present in all soils. They are common on decaying logs, fallen leaves, mulch, lawns with excessive thatch and on strawberry leaves. Control is not usually necessary and they will ...
Black knot is a common fungal disease of Prunus trees including ornamental, edible, and native plum and cherry trees. Hard swollen black galls (tumor like growths) form on branches and occasionally on ...
Brussels sprouts are a fall crop in Minnesota. Sow seeds in June, indoors or directly in the garden. Water thoroughly once a week for well-formed, large, sweet sprouts. They can stay in the garden as ...
The highest cost in most, if not all, cattle production systems is feed. Many producers use grazing to reduce costs for their operations. Properly managed pasture-based systems use land efficiently ...
Injury, poor hoof quality and poor hoof care can cause an abscess. Abscesses cause sudden, severe pain and lameness. Draining, bandaging and keeping the hoof clean are key to treating an abscess. It ...
Yield differences from soil tillage are more often the exception rather than the norm. This is particularly the case for soybean yields, as well as rotated corn systems. Due to the costs associated ...