Dogs can exhibit quirky behaviors that may be a cause for concern. Discover why dogs chase their tails and what you can do ...
The Hawaiian monk seal is found mostly in the northwestern Hawaiian islands, and faces many threats. Learn more about how you can help.
Being a celebrity can be tough. All of the adulation and constant media attention can take its toll. It’s not surprising that some celebrities take solace in the company of animals to give them ...
You should think carefully before buying or adopting this breed. A dog is a lifetime commitment. The advice from experts is to not get this breed just because they look cute and have the word ...
Giraffes are known for their peaceful nature and their preference for living together in close family social groups. Although they rarely fight with each other, there are times when two male giraffes ...
Camouflage is an exciting animal adaptation that allows many different types of animals to blend in with their surroundings. The chameleon is one of the most recognizable animals that camouflages ...
Friends and neighbors who keep chickens will talk about them as long as you’ll listen. The same is true for those who own any other type of avian creature. From homing pigeons to little budgies, ...
Honey bees are incredibly social insects. They live together in big groups with other bees in an organized society that scientists call eusocial, which means every bee has a job to do. This could be ...
New research has surfaced detailing the vital role of older animals in maintaining species populations and ecosystems. The Department of Ecology and Conservation at Texas A&M College of Agriculture ...
Sharpshooters are large leafhopper insects in the scientific family Cicadellidae. There are almost 20,000 different sharpshooter species, but even with such diversity, these insects share many common ...
The proboscis monkey is native to Southeast Asia and is on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources’s Red List as an endangered species. Known for its unique appearance ...