Climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world. So if we care about incredible species, we must care about how a changing climate will make it harder for them to find food, and ...
During these difficult times, we need more than ever to find ways to connect with each other and inspire hope for the future. Here are some great activities you can do at home – individually or with ...
Doñana National Park in southern Spain is a place of unique natural beauty, and a last refuge for threatened species. Millions of migratory birds stopover in Doñana on their travels between Europe and ...
Fish and other seafood are potentially a great renewable resource. But they need to be carefully managed to make sure fish stocks aren’t over-exploited and seafood farms don’t pollute the environment.
The Adélie is the littlest, and also the most widespread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. They might look a bit clumsy on land, but penguins are brilliant swimmers. They can dive down to 180m – ...
Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and ...
Not many people ever see an Amur leopard in the wild. Not surprising, as there are so few of them, but a shame considering how beautiful they are. Thick, luscious, black-ringed coats and a huge furry ...
We see a lot of organisations offsetting their footprint to claim they are carbon neutral, or claiming that for every product you buy, they will plant a tree, and therefore their product is ‘green’.
WWF-UK is a UK company limited by guarantee. We’re registered as a charity in England & Wales (no. 1081247) and in Scotland (no. SC039593). You can find us on the Charity Commission’s Register of ...
There’s never been a better time to start your career at WWF. As a leading independent conservation organisation, we have an important job to do to reverse the loss of biodiversity and restore nature.
Today we face the double, interlinked emergencies of human-induced climate change and the loss of biodiversity, threatening the well-being of current and future generations. As our future is ...