The human brain is constantly picking up patterns in everyday experiences — and can do so without conscious thought, finds a study of neuronal activity in people who had electrodes implanted in their ...
Americans are increasingly concerned about online misinformation, especially in light of recent news that the Justice Department seized 32 domains linked to a Russian influence operation interfering ...
In her first column, APS President Randi Martin makes the case for collaborative research that cuts across research areas.
Researchers are finding new benefits and reserves of participants by accessing data from unconventional sources, such as ...
Fourth-year PhD student Shiza Shahid provides key steps below that will help international students navigate the application ...
Teaching: The fit between a person and their environment, or PE fit, can provide undergraduates with engaging, concrete ...
There are two sides to every coin — and sometimes our strengths become weaknesses. This hour, TED speakers explore the mixed blessings and volatile flip sides of mental health, parenting and AI.Guests ...
Trailblazers in the study of resilience, working memory, burnout, and diversity are among the 13 scientists being honored ...
Why do we gravitate towards friends who share our background and identity? How does this affect our sense of community and ...
In a study published last year, researchers found that people with dementia experienced slight drops in extroversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness before they showed any signs of cognitive ...
Gary Lupyan, Tracy Riggins, and Elizabeth Schotter are the latest recipients of the Sabbatical Fund Fellowship from the James ...