Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to gain deeper insights into how to understand G-d and how He manifests in your life.
Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee wrote to Daniel Werfel, commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, on Tuesday calling for an investigation of nine nonprofits ...
We are rapidly approaching the Yamim Noraim - High Holy Days. Will they merely be a calendar pit-stop or will something change for us, our families, our communities?
The main suspect planned a combined shooting and bombing attack on Jews praying at the graves of religious figures, authorities said.
Fifty three medical students, 40 of whom are women, were awarded their degrees in a ceremony attended by Israeli President Isaac Herzog and philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson.
The International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) has banned Israel from competing in 2025 due to the country’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the organization announced on Tuesday. The next Olympiad ...
The Muslims built their mosque on top of our Temple Mount, and then have the nerve to call us the "occupiers"!?
On Friday, the IDF took credit for a airstrike in Dahiyeh that killed more than a dozen senior Hezbollah terrorist officials, including Ibrahim Aqil, whom Washington also wanted for his involvement in ...
We're going to talk about something that is probably one of the most practical pieces of advice for today. We're talking about handing over leadership.
What I find to be most objectionable however, is your statement, People today believe, (especially wives) if I make money that means I’m equal to a man. Bless your heart.
Rav Kook sees the impulse to do teshuva and the initiative taken in pursuit of it to be the exemplar of human nature as a spiritual being.
In this correspondence written by Emmanuel and family members in Salonica and Curacao, familial matters are interspersed with much important historical material and records.