联合国气候变化新闻,2023年11月29日—根据今天在《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十八届会议(COP28)上发布的《2023年全球气候行动年鉴》,企业、投资者、城市、州和地区采取气候行动的人数比以往任何时候都多,但其速度和规模仍不足以将全球 ...
联合国气候变化新闻,2023年11月29日—今年标志着REDD+实施十周年。自2013年通过华沙REDD+框架以来,已有60个发展中国家向《联合国气候变化框架公约》秘书处报告了减少毁林和森林退化的活动。 健康的森林作为碳汇,每年吸收数 ...
The City of Liverpool in northwest England has become the world’s first ‘Accelerator City’ for climate action, under UN ...
This Op-Ed was originally published on 23 September 2024 on the website of the World Economic Forum, which is partnering with ...
Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) is a term adopted by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to denote work under Article 6 of the Convention and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement. The over ...
Gender-responsive financing initiatives, which take into account the diverse needs, roles and responsibilities of people of ...
Capacity building is fundamental to achieving the goals of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement (Article 11) and has been identified as a priority ...
To register for the examinations to become an expert reviewer you need to be nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts. The UNFCCC Roster of Experts contains information on experts, who are nominated ...
1. Once upon a time, 65 millions of years ago in fact, a giant asteroid from space crashed into the earth. There was a huge explosion; the enormous impact threw a giant, thick cloud of dust into the ...
Emission targets for industrialized country Parties to the Kyoto Protocol are expressed as levels of allowed emissions, or "assigned amounts", over the 2008-2012 commitment period. Such assigned ...
As part of the Cancun Agreement, at the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16), Parties decided to establish a Standing Committee on Finance (SCF) to assist the COP in relation to the Financial ...
Full version of the initial 2-year workplan (Annex II to the report of the Executive Committee). Strategic workstreams of the five-year rolling workplan of the Executive Committee (a) Enhanced ...