Over the past day, due to shelling by the russian occupiers and military operations, there were power outages in the ...
Країна-агресор Росія станом на 06:00 понеділка, 23 вересня, тримає на бойовому чергуванні в Чорному морі 1 корабель, який не ...
У річці Сейм спостерігається нова зона забруднення, однак вона не несе такої загрози, як попередня. Про це повідомив ...
Министерство энергетики объявило конкурс по отбору 3 независимых членов наблюдательного совета национальной энергетической ...
On September 22, 162 combat clashes took place at the front, the most attacks were recorded on the Pokrovsk (35 clashes) and ...
On Monday, the cash sell rate for US dollars in Kyiv-based bank exchange offices made 41.6846 UAH/USD, and the buy rate made ...
The Republic of South Africa has confirmed its continued participation in the Peace Formula ahead of the second Peace ...
Oleksii Honcharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada from the European Solidarity faction, said that men of limited fitness ...
The army of the aggressor country of the russian federation attacked the territory of Ukraine on the night of September 23 ...
Units of the 95th Separate Air Assault Polissia Brigade broke through one of the sections of the russian border in the Kursk ...
The investigation into the murder of Lviv Polytechnic professor Iryna Farion gathered new evidence.The lawyer of Farion's ...
The destruction by the Armed Forces of Ukraine of a warehouse of missiles and ammunition near the city of Toropets will force ...