A young South African lady plugged Mzansi baddies with her Shein's massive hair sale where she got a stunning wig for R13. SA ...
喜欢电车“单踏板模式”的有车族可能又要开心了。今年5月,工信部公开征求意见,其中一项内容是准备在新版《乘用车制动系统技术要求及试验方法》强制国标中,要求电动汽车不得使用“单踏板模式”让车辆完全刹停,而在工信部近日发布的二次征求意见稿中,对于“单踏板模 ...
The Gauteng MEC for Health Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko revealed that nine senior staff members who are suspended are still getting ...
The Gauteng Health Department has spent more than R13 million on nine staff members suspended with full pay in the past few ...
电源激活的瞬间,由于C1 (一次侧滤波电容)短路,导致Iin电流很大,虽然时间很短暂,但亦可能对Power产生伤害,所以必须在滤波电容之前加装一个热敏电阻,以限制开机瞬间Iin在Spec之内 ...
在中国,除了已获批的药物,更多针对AD的在研新药管线的研发也在持续向前推进。本文根据公开资料盘点12款正在中国开展临床研究的阿尔茨海默病在研新药。(注:本文为不完全统计,仅盘点在中国开展AD临床研究的部分在研新药。) ...
The department has spent over R13 million on suspended staff in recent years, with the DA calling for the removal of ...
近日,Chanel 宣布,在经过四年的休整及整修后,品牌将重返巴黎大皇宫,定于 10 月 1 日举办成衣秀。2005 年开始,品牌曾在时任创意总监 Karl Lagerfeld 的领导下在巴黎大皇宫举办时装秀,引发业内外的强烈关注。 此外,Chanel 总裁 Bruno Pavlovsky 表示,公司将在未来五年内向该文化机构贡献 3000 万欧元预算,以获得使用中殿举行时装秀的专有权利。继今年 ...
The order was issued in response to a petition filed by the Advocates’ Association Bengaluru (AAB) that sought a direction to ...
The Gauteng Health Department has wasted over R13 million on nine suspended staff members, with some cases stretching back ...
In a heartwarming display of corporate social responsibility, Galito’s in Verwoerdpark donated R13 280 to the Alberton Golden ...