The Social Democrats, the party of Olaf Scholz, the German chancellor, have narrowly seen off a challenge by the far-Right ...
在周日举行的勃兰登堡州议会选举中,反移民政党 - 德国选项党AfD再度获得近30%的选票,仅以微弱差距未能成为州议会第一大党。 (德国之声中文网)具有部分极右倾向的选项党在德国的民意支持度仍在提升。周日举行的布兰登堡州议会选举中,选项党获得29,2%的选票,比2019年的得票率提高了近六个百分点。不过,由于其他政党均排除了同选项党组阁的可能性,因此,选项党几乎没有希望进入新一届州政府。
Following its recent election successes, the AfD has formulated a new claim. In future, the party does not just want to play ...
Following AfD’s victory in Thuringia, race in one of smallest German states in terms of population becomes focus of attention ...
POSTDAM: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats narrowly beat the far-right AfD in a state election on Sunday (Sep ...
The ‘basic law’ is designed to prevent the return of national socialism and sets out a comprehensive set of rights for ...
Germans in the state of Brandenburg were voting in a regional election on Sunday with the far-right Alternative for Germany ...
The SPD's slim victory, winning 31 per cent against AfD’s 30 per cent, marks a crucial moment in the political landscape of ...
Supporters of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) celebrated the results of the election on Sunday in the eastern ...
The SPD won 30.9% of the vote, while the AfD came second with 29.2% - The Bundesrat (BSW) and the Christian Democrats are the ...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats party has narrowly won a state election in Brandenburg. The far-right ...
The victory gives Scholz, who is struggling to hold his fractious three-party coalition together, a reprieve — at least for ...