随着科技界的目光聚焦于iPhone 16系列的盛大发布,苹果公司再次展现出其对创新与用户关怀的执着追求,于同日推送了iOS 18 RC与iOS 17.7 RC准正式版系统。这一举动不仅为即将上市的新一代iPhone注入强劲动力,更为全球数亿现有设备用户带来了意料之外的惊喜。这两款候选发布版系统的推出,无疑标志着苹果在操作系统领域持续引领行业潮流的决心,同时也揭示了其对用户需求深度洞察的战略布局。
近日,有研究人员发现在恶意 SDK 供应链攻击中,有黑客通过 Google Play 在 1100 万台设备上安装了新版本的 Necro 恶意安卓载入器。 这种新版 Necro 木马是通过合法应用程序、安卓游戏 mod 和 ...
The Magic the Gathering Commander Rules Committee has a "zero-tolerance policy" on insider trading, according to an FAQ about ...
日前,苹果公司宣布了新设于瑞典斯德哥尔摩(纳维亚购物中心)的Apple Store 零售店的具体开业时间,即本月20日。 这则消息摆明了就是告诉我们,iPhone ...
The amphitheater at the Napavine Community Park has now been repurposed into a dirt track for remote control (RC) car enthusiasts, thanks to the efforts of Sherri and Brandon Gallagher, owners of RC ...
CLARKSVILLE, Ind. (WAVE) - Clarksville Police are asking the public for help in finding a woman seen stealing an RC car from ...
LIDL Ireland fans are rushing to buy new toys in the middle aisle as parents start to get ready for Christmas. The ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@奶油曲奇带夹心于09月04日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 18个小时前推上大佬(黄毛缺席)终于发布了针对IOS 17.0和IOS 16.7 RC版本的巨魔安装方法,具体操作相当容易,后面会讲 。
The versatile DJI Neo can be controlled in multiple ways and allows users to capture simple 4K video and 12MP JPEG photos ...
The product reviewing company made their selection after expertly reviewing products made and sold by trusted companies.
8月29日,苹果向iPhone和iPad用户推送了iOS/iPadOS18开发者预览版Beta8更新(内部版本号:22A5350a)。本次更新距离上次发布Beta/RC间隔8天。要升级iOS/iPadOS/watchOS/macOS开发版和公测版,需要先注册苹果开发者计 ...
Apple will probably release iOS 17.7 simultaneously with iOS 18.0 next week. Users will see both updates in the iPhone and ...