Apple announced the M3 processor during an Apple Event called "Scary Fast" in October 2023. The base chipset is available in the 14-inch MacBook Pro. Everything below this point is preserved from ...
Apple’s M4 series MacBook Pro was released in the fall of 2024, a year after the M3 series was released. That could mean Apple is on a yearly cycle with the MacBook Pro and the next generation ...
I was sent the M4 Pro configuration of the 16-inch MacBook Pro. It’s a large laptop ... and the “fastest core” on the CPU side. It’s hard to complain when Apple has only reduced the ...
The latest MacBook Pro models start from £1599 / $1599 for the 14-inch version, which features an M4 chip with 10-core CPU and 10-core GPU and comes with 16GB memory and 512GB SSD storage.