该系列以 “夜间潜水”开场,反映了潜水员在深海执行任务时所体验到的星空之美。双面皮革激光切割手袋的灵感来自鱼网。创新的 Magic Gilet 背心采用氯丁橡胶和皮革制成,配有潜水员风格的拉链。在MCM 2024秋冬系列推出的 3D Diamant ...
米兰时装周一开始就没有平时那么迷人,也没有乔治·阿玛尼和汤姆·福特等大牌。这与奢侈品行业更广泛的危机相呼应:中国市场步履蹒跚,创意总监的更换司空见惯,收入也在下滑 La 米兰时装周 ha aperto le sue porte in un clima ...
LIBER is an independent privately-owned company dedicated to crafted wines, champagnes and spirits. Their activities are ...
Developing a strong passenger vehicle business has been a strategic focus for JAC Group since the tenure of Mr. Zuo Yan’an.
The legacy of fuel cars and the innovation of electric vehicles are intertwined, propelling China’s auto industry to new ...
Dexelance ha annunciato i risultati al 30 giugno 2024 con ricavi di 151 milioni di euro e un EBITDA Adjusted di 19,1 milioni di euro. L’utile netto Adjusted è di 6,8 milioni di euro e la posizione ban ...
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...