New comedy-drama series Boarders is "for everyone" says one of its stars. Myles Kamwendo, a 22-year-old former University of the West of England student, plays Omar in the BBC Three show.
The school held a blessing and planting ceremony on Thursday at its revitalized orchard, part of an effort to restart the agricultural program that once allowed boarders to plant and sell their ...
For day three, Jacob is picking BBC Three comedy Boarders. The series follows a group of young inner-city Black students who are transferred to a prestige private school. Christmas presents the ... is Ireland's only full-time marine journalism team and it takes time, money and hard work to produce our content.
Helm Scott Blackwood, with volunteer lifeboat crew Paul Mageean, Ros Watret and Blair Baillie, launched the Atlantic 85 inshore lifeboat into a force 6 strong westerly breeze and immediately made ...