Make room for tahini. This creamy seed butter, made from ground sesame seeds, is packed with bone-loving nutrients. Tahini is ...
Bloating can be uncomfortable, but many foods are shown to help you find relief and even prevent it, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Learn more.
Avoid side effects of malabsorption, such as acid reflux, gas, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, by eating more of these ...
Consuming more foods that have an alkalizing effect on the body, such as fruits and vegetables, may support health in several ways.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
流“某样食材能抗癌”在网上,各种各样的抗癌食谱随处可见,比如,吃紫薯抗癌,吃大蒜抗癌,吃番茄抗癌,吃木耳抗癌……各种抗癌食物清单、笔记也在网上满天飞,引起很多人跟风。言流言分析这种说法有待商榷。只靠吃单一某一种食物,或某一种单一的食物成分,是不能抗癌 ...
Eating too much sugar can lead to a condition called insulin resistance, which can cause a fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, or ...
研究发现,孕妇孕期饮食质量与后代认知发展显著相关。以加工食品、脂肪和糖为特征的低质量饮食对儿童认知发展产生了负面影响;相反,高质量的饮食则与更好的神经发育相关。饮食和超加工食物影响最明显的是语言智力和执行功能。 【1】 ...
美国疾病预防控制中心(Center for Disease Control and Prevention,CDC)周二警告称,麦当劳著名的“足三两”汉堡引发的大肠杆菌疫情正在“快速蔓延”。
The economic impact of sugar-related health issues costs the US health care system an estimated $50 billion annually.
The Bull & Claw brunch is the stuff of Shanghai legends. It’s RMB98 for one course, RMB168 for two, and add the city's most famous free flow deal for RMB198. Food options range from Smashed Avo Toast ...