Artinoise, the Italian startup behind re.corder -- a smart device reimagining the traditional plastic recorder we all played ...
My USB-C may not be the same as yours. And the USB-C you bought two years ago may not be the same as the one you got today.
The Zefiro might look like a vape, but it’s a tiny MIDI wind controller compatible with mobile devices and computers.
This week, Apple unveiled new iMac, Mac mini, and MacBook Pro models. Alongside these devices, the company finally introduced ...
But lately, they've been neglected as Apple hasn't released an updated version since 2015. As Apple made the move to USB-C, ...
For example, Anker has a special USB-C cable that splits into two so you can handle two devices at once with a single USB-C ...
Less than $20 for a speedy 128GB flash drive that you can even pop into your phone? Yes, please! This tiny Samsung USB-C ...
IT之家了解到,这款扩展坞通过 USB-C 接口扩展到 3 个 USB-A 3.0 接口、一个 USB-C 接口和一个 HDMI 接口。 扩展出的 USB-C 接口支持 PD 100W 的供电,可为笔记本供电 90W,为外设供电 10W。HDMI ...
Artinoise,一家位于意大利的初创公司,近日推出了一款独特的USB-C配件——Zefiro。这款产品可以将移动设备变成可演奏的乐器,并具有吹气模拟各种乐器声音的功能。 Zefiro外观类似U盘,使用者只需轻轻吹气即可模拟演奏各种乐器的声音。该公司正在通过Kickstarter众筹平台筹集5300多美元用于生产该产品,早期支持者可以以22欧元预订并预计将于2025年2月开始发货。
When paired with a companion app, your mobile device turns into pretty much any popular wind instrument, from flutes to ...
IT之家 11 月 13 日消息,意大利初创公司 Artinoise 推出了一款独特的 USB-C 配件 Zefiro,可将移动设备变成可演奏的乐器。Zefiro 外观像个 U 盘,通过轻轻吹气即可模拟演奏各种乐器。