A federal judge temporarily blocked a Tennessee law that makes it illegal for adults to help minors obtain abortions without ...
Tennessee became the second state to enact an “abortion trafficking” law that threatened adults who help minors seek abortion ...
A federal judge has temporarily blocked enforcement of Tennessee’s so-called “abortion trafficking law,” which subjects ...
Tennessee law prohibits adults from recruiting or transporting minors across state lines for abortions without parental consent.
A federal judge on Friday temporarily blocked Tennessee from enforcing a law banning adults from helping minors get an ...
Tennessee officials are temporarily barred from enforcing a law that prohibits adults from “recruiting” minors to help them ...
The law is now temporarily paused while the case goes through the court system. If it does not get repealed, those convicted ...
Tennessee’s “abortion trafficking” legislation will not be enforced for now, with a judge ruling that it infringes upon the ...
A federal judge has temporarily blocked Tennessee's law requiring parental permission for minors seeking abortions. The ...
Tennessee must continue to resist extremism that celebrates what is morally intolerable. You either value life or you don't.
The law, which is being challenged in court, makes it a crime for any adult who “intentionally recruits, harbors, or transports” a pregnant child without parental consent. Meanwhile, Texas sees a 56% ...
A federal judge has temporarily blocked enforcement of Tennessee’s so-called “abortion trafficking law,” which subjects ...