Developed to treat diabetes, drugs like Ozempic now help fight obesity. Scientists newly honoured for working on them recall ...
Plus: The story behind the award-winning science that led to Ozempic, the next astronaut launch and why homework is good for ...
Half a century of biomedical advancements paved the way for today's powerful weight-loss drugs like Ozempic, but what was ...
2024年的拉斯克基础研究奖授予了德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的生物化学家陈志坚,以表彰他“发现了能够感知外来和自身DNA的cGAS 酶”,这种酶可以在细胞质中识别到自身损伤产生的游离DNA,或是外来病原体DNA的威胁。