据 Claudia 的创作者透露,他们通过销售这些裸照已经赚取了大约100美元。其实,这个账号最初的目的是测试 AI 图像能否成功欺骗用户。 AI 研究人员指出,Claudia 的照片确实存在一些明显的 AI 生成特征,比如背景的奇怪细节和手部的瑕疵 ...
Reddit has gone down for the second time in the space of one month - and thousands of users worldwide are unable to access ...
"The dark brown and red lines that can form inside a banana are caused by plant pathogens," an expert told Newsweek.
Reddit用户BragzSmite发起倡议,呼吁《黑神话:悟空》的玩家参与年度最佳游戏(GOTY)投票。在讨论区中,一位网友引用游戏中的一句台词:“牢记观音之言,‘若非披上此衣,众生怎晓我尘缘已了、金海干涸’。”尽管游戏能否获奖尚不确定,但它深受许多人喜爱。玩家们对此发表了各种看法:有人认为这种竞争手段只是为了胜利而引起纷争是可悲的,但也有人支持;“黄眉大王”阵营也表达了立场。许多玩家坚信《黑神 ...
The second annual 2024-25 NBA Cup tournament is set to begin in November with the Philadelphia 76ers in Group A in the ...
周五,B.Riley对Reddit(NYSE: RDDT)启动了覆盖,给予该公司股票"买入"评级,目标价为75.00美元。 该公司强调了Reddit在市场中的独特地位,指出其对用户、广告商和内容授权方的差异化价值主张。Reddit平台拥有超过100,000个社区,服务于数千万用户,被认为是精选内容的重要资产。 B.Riley的分析师指出,Reddit正处于通过广告和数据授权来变现其平台的早期阶段。
该分享迅速引发其他玩家的共鸣。一位年届四十的玩家坦言,尽管工作繁忙每周长达60小时,但仍沉浸在《黑神话:悟空》的世界中,目前进度虽仅至第四章,却已深深爱上这款游戏。另一名年仅19岁的玩家则表示,自购买游戏后便迫不及待开始探险,目前已进展至第五章。不过 ...
In a post on Reddit, one user shared the unusual name that she had seen announced by a Facebook friend about their newborn, The Sun reported. “Thank you Lord God for the safe arrival of our Princess,” ...
在8月20日游戏发售时,Reddit黑神话板块的关注人数仅为2万人左右,随着越来越多的外网玩家开始关注黑神话, ...
Snap has already squeezed much of its operating efficiencies, leaving little room for margin expansion. Read more about SNAP ...
As is art’s tendency, it reflected the raw emotions of the users, and they were pissed. Many users worked together to ...
With Oklahoma voters looking toward 2024 presidential election and other key races taking place, we're answering your ...