Playboi Carti 全新专辑《MUSIC》即将登场,全新单曲《All Red》现已登陆各大串流平台,周边商品可至 Playboi Carti 官网预购,有兴趣的读者不妨多加留意。
On Sep 2, Hangzhou officially announced the designation of the 1995 song Dream Paradise as the city’s official anthem.
Big Hit Music迅速对此做出回应,强调田柾国的发言意在保护年轻艺人,绝不能让他们成为争议的牺牲品。公司在声明中指出:“在任何情况下,都不能将年轻的艺人拉入纷争中,把艺人当做挡箭牌。”这一回应展示了公司对艺人权益的重视,同时也反映出HYBE管理层在处理艺人关系时的谨慎态度,让粉丝们看到了官方的负责与担当。
随着这一事件的发酵,社交媒体上出现了不同的声音。部分网友支持田柾国与Big Hit Music,认为保护年轻艺人是对行业良性发展的推动;而另一些网友则表示,田柾国的发声可能会引发不必要的争议或干扰,让人担心他作为偶像的影响力。
In the Paradox Museum, nothing makes sense and yet everything is totally real! And get this – from Thursday through Saturday ...
(视频来源:浏阳市文化馆)浏阳古乐享有“中国雅乐的活化石”“国乐古礼在浏阳”的美誉。被列为国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目保护名录。该视频为戊戌年(2018年9月28日孔子诞辰日)浏阳秋季祭孔大典。举行亚献礼时,主祭官向孔子行礼,歌舞生表演羽籥舞,表达对孔子的崇敬与怀念,弘扬中华传统文化。在祭孔大典仪式中, ...
组合NEW JINS掀翻了京瓷巨蛋。8日下午,在日本大阪京瓷巨蛋大阪举行了"2024 THE FACT MUSIC AWARDS,TMA"第二天颁奖典礼。 主持人全炫茂和少女时代徐贤担任主持人。当天,Newjins成为4冠王,展现了强大的影响力。
Just days after his sold-out show on September 15, Ye has announced a second listening party in Haikou, China on September 28 ...
In Hengqin, you'd be amazed by how much can be accomplished in the time it takes to listen to a song. 20 seconds for seamless ...
A digital museum of Huxiang culture opened in Changsha on September 5, 2024. Named the "Lan Tianxin-Digital Intelligent ...
With heart and passion, Lucie’s exhibition, “Happy Birds: A Journey of Love,” featuring 50 drawings, will run from Sep 15 to ...