The French maison just unveiled two new versions of its iconic bed trunk designed by artistic director of the women’s ...
An Antiques Roadshow guest was shocked to learn the value of a Louis Vuitton trunk that had been sitting in her parents' ...
The America's Cup is now within reach. Before facing the defenders from New Zealand, Luna Rossa has to compete in the Louis ...
LVMH Prize 青年设计师大奖:八名进入决赛的选手中,32 岁的瑞典女设计师 Ellen Hodakova Larsson脱颖而出,被评审团授予 LVMH Prize 大奖。她是女装品牌 Hodakova 的创始人。她将获得本届大奖提供的 40 ...
Sunday's show saw members of the public bring their treasured items to Thirlestane Castle in Scotland, with one lady keen to ...
在星光熠熠的娱乐圈中,有一位被誉为“四千年一遇美女”的明星以其独特的魅力吸引了无数目光,她就是鞠婧祎。而与之并肩闪耀的,则是国际时尚界翘楚——Louis Vuitton(LV),以其百年历史积淀与无可挑剔的奢侈形象,始终占据时尚金字塔的顶端。当这两股力量碰撞交织,一场席卷公众视线的时尚风暴已然蓄势待发。本文将深度剖析鞠婧祎与LV的合作背后的故事,揭示其对个人形象、市场反响以及未来时尚格局的影响。
Zendaya brought two runway-ready looks to New York on Saturday for screenings of “Dune: Part Two.” The actress first stepped ...
At 4-0 in both Louis Vuitton Cup Semi-Finals after Day 2, putting both Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli and INEOS Britannia on match ...
OPINION: Perhaps we’re in for more twists and turns this time around.
Dandyism combined with serving up options for daywear and travel are the core findings in the latest capsule by Louis Vuitton ...
随着中秋佳节将至, Louis Vuitton 也带来 2024 中秋特别礼盒:剪纸。该中秋礼盒呈现陕西与陕北剪纸的趣意。通过在地探访非遗传人,将剪纸文化的美好以轻松、有趣且当代的方式与大家分享。古老的陕北抓髻娃娃是一种充满力量的剪纸文化,而旬邑彩贴剪纸则淳朴而艳丽,其形象常取材于民谣故事,传递着节日的美好祝愿。
中秋将至,印有“Dior”“GUCCI”“Louis Vuitton”等奢侈品品牌字样的月饼礼盒热销,零售价约300元/盒;对于月饼来源,商家给出的竟是“原单正品”“正规渠道进货”“官方瑕疵品”等解释。